YES WE, Create WEB SITES; Innovative Native Software has now changed directions, we do Traditional Native Workshops. Our goal is to have a healthier tomorrow and to help bring the great peace back to the world.

Innovative Native Software of Onyota'a:ka
is 100%
First Nation Owned and Operated company.

Our mailing address is:

Innovative Native Software is located on the Oneida (Onyota'a:ka) First Nation Settlement South West of London, Ontario, Canada.

More information about
Innovative Native Software of Onyota'a:ka
Oneida (Onyota'a:ka).

(click the above to see our training page.)

Home Web page.

Last Modified: April. 14, 2005.

Copyright © 1993 - 2005 By Innovative Native Software of Onyota'a:ka