Bunnies moult roughly four times a year. To "Moult" is to cast off ones coat so that new growth can replace the old. The fur usually starts to come out at the shoulders, and then work it's way down the lenth of the body. It can appear that your rabbit moults all year long, because sometimes when one moult is just ending, the second moult is already beginning at the shoulders. During this time... bunnies can appear quite dishevled. Often times they will look like they are wearing a "cape", and the shed line will be quite visible. Other signs that your rabbit may be moulting, is if fur "flies" off your rabbit when you are petting her or if there are little "tufts" of fur on her bum and neck areas. You may notice, once your bunny has completed a moult that he/she has changed colours. A bunny's coat colour can vary from the lightest range of it's colour all the way to the darkest shade. The above three pictures illustrate varying levels of moult. Frodo is modeling her "molt pattern" on the left. BonBon, our friend from sunny California is displaying a medium level moult. On the right, you can see that our sweetheart friend Calypso is having a heavy moult. Such a heavy moult is not very common for rabbits, and you should not see this kind of shedding each time she moults. But as you see, it possible, and nothing to worry about so long as the skin is pink and healthy looking. If you notice such fur loss on your bunny but the skin appears, flaky, irritated or infected, then it could be a matter of mites, and your rabbit should be taken to her vet for medication.